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I'm Jaemin Oh, a postdoc at Texas A&M University (mentor: Dr. Byung-Jun Yoon and Dr. Xiaoning Qian). My research interests lie in the intersection of scientific computing and machine learning, a field known as Scientific Machine Learning (SciML).


  • jaemin_oh 🐌 tamu (dot) edu


  • Ph.D. Aug. 2020 - Feb. 2025, department of mathematical sciences, Korea advanced institute of science and technology (KAIST), Daejeon, South Korea (advisor: Dr. Youngjoon Hong)
  • B.S. Mar. 2015 - Aug. 2020, department of mathematics, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea
    • Military Service, Feb. 2017 - Feb. 2019 @ Korea Air Force, Weather Wing.


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